
Got a questions related to PESOS Token?

We are using Message Board to provide an open community where you can simply login using any of the following social media network which mostlikely you are a member.
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To join the Message Board, click one of the social media icon that you are already logged in and start posting.

Thank you,


$SEX is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return.
There is no formal team or roadmap. The coin is completely for FUN, feeling RICH mooning and for entertainment purposes only.
DISCLOSURE: By purchasing $SEX coin, you agree that you are not purchasing a security or investment contract and you agree to hold the team harmless and not liable for any losses or taxes you may incur. Although $SEX is a community-driven DeFi Ecosystem and not a registered digital currency, always make sure that you are in compliance with local laws and regulations before you make any purchase.